Delivery Information
After you have browsed our site and added your items to cart you will be directed to checkout whereby you can add a note stating your preferred delivery time. As we are delivering the items ourselves and not relying on a third party, we will try our best to fulfill your request. If this is not possible, please leave a contact number so we may arrange an alternative time. If you forget to add a note on your order, just give us a ring, email or Facebook message us – it’s easy!
By the way, did we forget to mention this delivery service is absolutely FREE for orders over £10! (Orders under £10 will be subject to a £5 delivery charge, or collection of the item.)
Returns Policy
You are protected by The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000. If you need to return an item, please contact us within 7 days stating why the item(s) needs to be returned and, if necessary, arrange a pick up time by ourselves. Please make sure the item(s) is/are clean and dry (Health and Safety Act 1974) in original packaging and available for collection within 14 days. We can arrange an exchange if preferred or refund if applicable, but not a refund of any postage as we ask you not to post the item back to us but instead contact us by telephone, email, website contact form or Facebook Messenger whereby we will arrange collection. In the case of a faulty item, your statutory rights are not affected.
Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for full details.